As a United Nations agency, UNOPS operates in a transparent and responsible manner, under the principles of access to information, accountability, and advocacy for spaces for open dialogue with different counterparts.

Consult the reports
Committed to transparency and accountability, UNOPS in Mexico presents:
Second Report of the on the purchase of medicines and medical supplies and devices for the second half of 2022. (In spanish)
First Report of the purchase of medicines and medical supplies - Consult report(In spanish)
Suppliers and contracted codes
Codes retained through international public tenders (IPB) 2022
In those lists, ITB 2022processes are found, where the retained codes, description, offering supplier, offer currency, price, tendered quantity and retained quantity are shown, for the procurement of medicines, medical supplies, and devices.
- Retained codes for medicines through International Public Tender 2022
- Codes contracted for medicines through Complementary Abbreviated International Tender 2022
- Codes contracted for medical supplies and devices through International Public Tender 2022
- Codes contracted for medical supplies and devices through Complementary Abbreviated International Tender 2022

UNOPS contracted suppliers
Within the framework of the Agreement signed by UNOPS and between INSABI, for the management of the consolidated procurement of medicines and medical supplies and devices for 2021-2024, here you may find the retained codes
Access to the list of contracted suppliers for the procurement of medicines and medical supplies and devices for 2021
- List of contracted suppliers through expedited procurement procedures
- List of contracted suppliers through patent medicines negotiations
- List of contracted suppliers through International Public Tender for medicines
- List of contracted suppliers through International Public Tenders for medical supplies and devices

Codes retained through international public tenders (IPB) 2021
In those lists, ITB processes 2021 are found, where the retained codes, description, offering supplier, offer currency, price, tendered quantity and retained quantity are shown, for the procurement of medicines, medical supplies, and devices.

Retained codes for medicines through Long Term Agreements and Amendments
The following lists belong to the keys contracted through LTAs and Amendments to contracts established in 2021 and extended to 2022

UNOPS Accountability
Who audits UNOPS and ensures transparency?
As a United Nations agency, UNOPS operates in a transparent and responsible manner, under the principles of access to information, accountability, and advocacy for spaces for open dialogue.
UNOPS conducted the international public bidding process with multiple control and quality filters, based on the rules of integrity, transparency, and open competition, which prohibit any type of preferential treatment to any offeror. UNOPS governing body is its Executive Board, made up of 36 UN member states who serve on a rotating basis and are elected for a period of three years. The Board sets its accountability framework, oversight mechanisms and policies.
In addition to the role of the Executive Board, UNOPS is overseen by:
The Internal Audit and Investigation Group (IAIG), entirely dedicated to UNOPS.
The Audit Advisory Committee (AAC), subsidiary body of the General Assembly.
The United Nations Board of Auditors, which responsibility is exercised by the Comptroller General of Accounts of a member country who serves on a rotating basis every 4 years
The Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) of the United Nations System, which is an external and independent monitoring body of the UN.
In addition to these oversight bodies, UNOPS has a firm commitment to collaboration and coordination with the control bodies (comptrollers, public management oversight and oversight bodies) of the three powers of the State: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. To do this, it provides all the facilities and openness possible
Access to information
878 million pieces of medicines, medical supplies and devices were purchased in 7 countries
Code purchased for 2021 and the first half of 2022
Codes purchased
Medical supplies and devices
Codes purchased for supply in the second half of 2022
Medical supplies and devices

INSABI-UNOPS joint report (2021)
This report describes the steps that were derived from the collaboration agreement by the Government of Mexico through INSABI and between UNOPS
Due dilligence
UNOPS due diligence process
The procurement by UNOPS, in conjunction with health institutions, was carried out by following a due diligence process aligned with the best international practices, which seek that the Mexican population gets the highest health benefits. All retained companies have been subject to a strict verification process that guarantees transparency and competition. Likewise, it has been possible to reduce the market concentration, which offers products with better prices and quality.
At the end of the project, 97 providers accounted for 80% of drug spending, while in 2018 this percentage lied in the hands of 18 suppliers. This means that great progress was made in terms of supplier diversification.
Regular meetings with different counterparts

Learn more here about UNOPS periodic meetings
Learn more here about the periodic meetings UNOPS holds with Associations, the Chamber of the Mexican pharmaceutical industry, and other stakeholders.