Visit the image galleries of the deliveries
Medicines and medical supplies and devices purchased jointly with INSABI. You may visit image galleries of a few documented deliveries and figures here.

In the framework of the Agreement between the Government of Mexico, through INSABI, with UNOPS, to manage the consolidated purchase of medicines and medical supplies and devices, UNOPS made daily deliveries of medicines and medical supplies to logistics operators retained by INSABI until december 2022.
Delivered more than 800 million pieces of medicines and medical supplies and devices during 2021 and 2022, for specialties such as Oncology, infectious and antiretroviral diseases, Endocrinology, Pulmonology, Psychiatry, Gynecology, Cardiology, Hematology, Nephrology, inter alia.
Deliveries of medicines and medical supplies and devices
pieces have been delivered to 31th, December 2022
Delivery from UNOPS suppliers to designated central warehouses
On a daily basis untill december 2022, the suppliers retained by UNOPS delivered medicines and medical supplies and devices to the warehouses designated by Mexican Health Care Institutions that take part in the consolidated purchase.
Image galleries of some deliveries in warehouses may be visited here: